2024 Sponsors & Delegate's Bag


Welcome to the sponsorship application page, and thank you for your continued support and commitment. We are immensely grateful for the contributions that help make our annual conference a success each year. As we approach the upcoming edition, we strive to exceed your expectations once again and forge stronger connections. We invite you to fill out your sponsorship application below and join us in shaping another remarkable event.





Membership Application - Renewal

CAGPO Scholarship Program Description

CAGPO Scholarship Application


Unify General Practitioners in Oncology.

Rassembler les omnipraticiens en oncologie.

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Promote communication among General Practitioners in Oncology
in tertiary care and primary care settings.

Favoriser la communication entre les omnipraticiens en oncologie dans les milieux de soins tertiaires et de soins primaires.

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Act and speak as the recognized authority on behalf of and for the benefit of 
General Practitioners in Oncology and their interests.

Agir et parler en tant qu’autorité reconnue au nom,
et au bénéfice, des omnipraticiens en oncologie et de leurs intérêts.

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Promote the role of General Practitioners in Oncology within Cancer Centers and within the primary care setting. Support and encourage the development of educational opportunities for
Family Physicians / General Practitioners wishing to obtain additional training in oncology.

Promouvoir le rôle des omnipraticiens en oncologie dans les centres de traitement
du cancer et dans les milieux de soins primaires.
 Appuyer et encourager le développement de possibilités éducatives pour les médecins de famille et les omnipraticiens qui désirent obtenir
une formation additionnelle en oncologie.

CAGPO Bylaws