Dr. Lori Hayward, NL
CAGPO Chair Role Description
The role of the Chair of CAGPO, as per the CAGPO Bylaws, is described as follows:
“The Chair shall call and conduct all meetings of the Association. The Chair shall act as the spokesperson for the Association on all matters pertinent to the affairs of the Association.”
The Chair:
- is a member of CAGPO;
- oversees the monthly meetings of the Executive Committee and of the annual general meeting of the Association;
- ensures that the notices of meetings are given, the agendas are set, and the meetings are conducted as per the guidelines set out in the CAGPO bylaws;
- must deal with any communications (written or verbal) directed to CAGPO;
- represents CAGPO on the CCFP Cancer Care Committee;
- attends the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the Executive Committee monthly meeting is eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. This is usually 8-10 hours per calendar year.
Past Chair
Dr. Evan Lilly, ON
CAGPO Past Chair Role Description
The role of the Past Chair of CAGPO requires:
- an individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- participation in the monthly Executive Committee meetings as the Past Chair of CAGPO;
- the individual to act as a mentor and resource to the present Chair of CAGPO and to the other members of the Executive Committee;
- attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the Executive Committee monthly meeting is eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. This is usually 8-10 hours per calendar year.
CAGPO Chair-Elect Role Description
The role of the Chair-Elect of CAGPO requires:
- an individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- participation in the monthly Executive Committee meetings as the Chair-Elect of CAGPO;
- the individual to act as an aide to the present Chair of CAGPO and to the other members of the Executive Committee;
- attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the Executive Committee monthly meeting is eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. This is usually 8-10 hours per calendar year.
Dr. Patricia Craig, NS
CAGPO Treasurer Role Description
The role of the Treasurer of CAGPO requires:
- an individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- participation in the monthly Executive Committee meetings as the Treasurer;
- the treasurer to be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the Association;
- the individual to provide the Treasurer’s Report at the annual general meeting;
- attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting;
- that the Association’s financial records undergo a yearly unaudited assessment by an independent accounting firm.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the Executive Committee monthly meeting is eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. This is usually 8-10 hours per calendar year.
Scholarship Co-Chairs
Dr. Pamela Craigie, ON
Dr. Lyndsay Evans, ON
CAGPO Scholarship Committee Member Role Description
The role of the Scholarship Committee Member requires:
- an individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- membership in the Executive Committee of CAGPO, where the individual will report on the activity of the scholarship committee;
- presentation of an annual report for submission to the CAGPO general membership at the business meeting during the conference;
- attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting;
- the coordination of all details regarding the CAGPO Scholarships (advertising, deadlines, website content, eligibility criteria);
- submission of necessary documents for posting on the CAGPO website;
- circulation of applications to the scholarship committee members for review and ranking, and subsequent submission to the Executive Committee;
- communication with applicants regarding the status of their submission, including follow up with applicants regarding the post-training report;
- advising the Treasurer of award payments;
- safekeeping of the CAGPO Scholarship Plaque including arranging for updating and engraving.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the Executive Committee monthly meeting is eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. This is usually 8-10 hours per calendar year.
Conference Chair
Dr. Don Rowe, NS
CAGPO Annual Conference Committee Chair Role Description
The role of the Chair of the Conference Committee requires:
- an individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- an individual with excellent leadership and organizational skills;
- participation in all monthly 1-hour conference calls with the conference committee members;
- an individual who is comfortable approaching Pharma to request sponsorship of the conference is an asset but not mandatory;
- an individual who is comfortable liaising with Agora Communications regarding logistic matters pertaining to the organizational matters of the conference;
- a member who is able to complete the necessary application for accreditation (if no other committee member is able to fulfill this role);
- attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting.
This position is a member of the Executive Committee and as such, requires participation in the monthly executive committee meetings. The Chair will report to the Executive Committee on the progress of the conference committee and will report to the membership at large at the annual business meeting.
Time Commitment: 2-10 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the planning of the conference and membership on the executive committee are both eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. On average, this amounts to 16 hours per calendar year (8 hours for each committee).
Sponsorship Committee Chair
Dr. Mary DeCarolis, ON
CAGPO Sponsorship Committee Chair Role Description
The role of the Chair of the Sponsorship Committee requires:
- an individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- an individual with excellent leadership and organizational skills;
- participation in monthly 1-hour conference calls with the conference committee members when required;
- an individual who is comfortable approaching Pharma to request sponsorship of the conference;
- an individual who is comfortable liaising with Agora Communications regarding sponsorship matters pertaining to the conference;
- attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting.
This position is a member of the Executive Committee and as such, requires participation in the monthly executive committee meetings. The Chair will report to the Executive Committee on the progress of the Sponsorship Committee and will report to the membership at large at the annual business meeting.
Time Commitment: 2-10 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the planning of the conference and membership on the executive committee are both eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. On average, this amounts to 16 hours per calendar year (8 hours for each committee).
Dr. Nadia Bédard, NB
Dr. Gen Chaput, QC
Dr. Mary DeCarolis, ON
Dr. Henry Docherty, BC
Dr. Rachael Halligan, ON
Dr. Jacolette Hattingh, AB
Dr. Sian Shuel, BC
Dr. Nureen Sumar, AB
CAGPO Member At Large Role Description
The role of a member at large requires:
- An individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- participation in the monthly 1-hour Executive Committee meetings;
- Attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the Conference Committee monthly meeting is eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. This is usually 8-10 hours per calendar year.
Administrative Assistant
Lynne Savage, MB
CAGPO Secretary Role Description
The role of the Secretary of CAGPO requires:
- an individual to be a member of CAGPO;
- participation in the monthly Executive Committee meetings as the Secretary;
- the individual to conduct all correspondence, and to be responsible for recording all the minutes of the Association’s meetings (monthly executive meetings and annual general meeting);
- the individual to circulate the minutes of the meetings, where appropriate, to members of CAGPO;
- the individual to give notice all meetings of the Association;
- attendance at the annual CAGPO Conference and annual general meeting.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month.
Compensation: CAGPO covers all expenses pertaining to attending the annual conference (registration, transportation, travel - approximately $2000.00/year).
CME credits: Participation in the Executive Committee monthly meeting is eligible for CCFP M1 credits through committee involvement. This is usually 8-10 hours per calendar year.
* Presently this role is a paid position, filled by a part-time executive assistant. *